Traducción Castellano Francés Inglés

Sobre mí

Elodie Odent traslator
Mi nombre es Elodie Odent, soy traductora, revisora e investigadora experimentada. Ya que mi idioma materno es el francés, me especializo en traducciones hacia el francés. Sin embargo, hablo con fluidez inglés, holandés y español, y tengo un buen conocimiento del alemán. ¿Te preguntas cómo aprendí todos esos idiomas? Echa un vistazo a mi  presentación personal.

Quality Service

Flexible schedule



I have a flexible schedule, am very responsive and can adapt during the course of the project depending on your needs.

If the job doesn't correspond to my specialities, I will turn it down as I only accept to perform translations for which I can give the highest quality results.



Style and tone

Logic, systematology

Consequent cross-check

I always start with a field research on the topic of the source text. I look out for jargon and references.

Then I carry out the translation, keeping the tone and style of the source text.

For this I usually use Google docs/sheets, but I can translate in Virtaal, or any of your preferred format.

I will not hesitate to write to you if anything in your source text is unclear, and if there is an important choice to make in the translation (for example: as to translate YOU to TU or VOUS)

I cross-read during and after completion, using grammar and spell check softwares, which will wipe out any typos. I like to let a good night of sleep refresh my brain before I do the final check.


Follow the process

Adaptations during and after the translation

If you want, you can peep in my work process, to see how your translation evolves.

If you are not satisfied and wish for changes, just let me know, I will adapt the text.

English to French translations, and more

General and specific: tourism, sports, wellness, fashion


Great_Britain flag translation
Spain flag translation
Netherlands flag translation
France flag translation
To translation
France flag translation
Spain flag translation
Great_Britain flag translation
Netherlands flag translation


EN - SP - NL - FR
FR - NL - SP - EN
virtaal logo Elodie translations


MO translations Elodie

Microsoft Office

wordpress logo elodie translations


SAPlogo Translations Elodie


google docs translations Elodie

Google Apps

Recent Projects / Portfolio

EN - FR - NL - SP - DE

Personal introduction in 5 languages


Tourism: Holy Etchmiadzin


FAQ Delivery


Clothing brand website


Lifeguard manual


Sport club AI Manager - Promo

FR - EN - DE

Promotion photographer


Promotion pre-workout supplement


HIIT Training Promotion

Client Love

sports translation

Pierre Vert (HIIT workout)

"Outstanding work by Elodie, very pleased to work with such a professional freelancer."

nicoletta translation

Nicoletta Iacobacci (ambassador of the Singularity University in Switzerland)

"Elodie was fantastic and very dedicated. I needed a conversation in french on a specific topic and she was always prepared and actually, she gave me hints for my upcoming talk. I will work with her weekly."

Gabriel translation

Gabriel Tedgui

"Very good work."


Tim Wiltgen (Sport50)

"5 stars"

Er-anderegg translations Elodie

Eric Anderegg (

"We were very pleased with the quality of the translation"


Elad Itzkin (London Yoga Photography)

"It was great to work with Elodie. She actively participated in the promotion of my business in international press."

louis elodie translations

Louis d'Origny (OHMME)

"Elodie provided a perfectly translated piece within a short period of time. We will give Elodie all our translation work from now on!"

lionbridge elodie translations

Lionbridge Technologies (Finland)

"Quick, professional, provides high-quality services and always keeps up with deadlines. Highly recommended."


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